Before Sunday Live /Album Presentation @ Eightball Feat. Eleni Nota, Irene Ketikidi, Kristian Moller

8Ball Live Stage
Before Sunday Live /Album Presentation @ Eightball Feat. Eleni Nota, Irene Ketikidi, Kristian Moller
20 Jan
  • Location
  • Price
  • Others
  • Thessaloniki
  • 10€
  • Ground Floor
Παρασκευή 20 Ιανουαρίου 2023
Eightball Live Stage
Πίνδου 1, Λαδάδικα
Πόρτες : 21:00 – Έναρξη : 21:45
Special Guests : Kristian Moller-Munar
Featuring: Eleni Nota & Irene Ketikidi
Early Bird Tickets(περιορισμένος αριθμός) : 8 Ε
Προπώληση/ταμείο : 10 Ε
Σημεία Προπώλησης :
– NEPHILIM , Πατρ. Ιωακείμ 17
– EIGHTBALL , Πίνδου 1
Οι BEFORE SUNDAY απογειώνονται από το Λονδίνο και προσγειώνονται στην Θεσσαλονίκη για ένα και μοναδικό live! Το συγκρότημα με έδρα την Αγγλία, παρουσιάζει ζωντανά στο φιλόξενο 8Ball Live Stage το 2ο τους άλμπουμ με τίτλο ‘Eternal Odyssey’!
3 χρόνια μετά την τελευταία μας ζωντανή εμφάνιση, σας προσκαλούμε όλους από καρδιάς, να γιορτάσουμε μαζί την κυκλοφορία του 2ο άλμπουμ του συγκροτήματος και να τα ‘σπάσουμε’ με funk, disco, rock και metal ήχους!
Τους Before Sunday θα πλαισιώσουν διάφοροι guests μουσικοί, ανάμεσα τους οι μοναδικές Eleni Nota και Irene Ketikidi!
Before Sunday is a pop-rock band based in London, UK. .Their music has a really personal touch, which combines the diverse background of the band members, as well as a driven, diverse motivation to explore many different styles and creative ideas. Their sound blurs the lines between different genres, including pop, edm, hard rock, funk, and alternative, revealing a rather eclectic approach to songwriting and a very impressive musicianship across the board.
The band has received quite a vast array of accolades and awards, as a testament to the band’s drive and ability to write memorable music that sets the bar higher. Among other achievements, the group scored a finalist award in the UK Songwriting Competition (2017) for their single “No Destination.” Following this, their popular track “Obsessions” has received a slew of awards. These include accolades for the UK Songwriting (2018) and Unsigned Only competition (2019). Before Sunday’s music has been compared to the sound of seminal musicians such as Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sia, Pink and Michael Jackson, to mention but a few.
Before Sunday at the end of 2019 went on a very successful mini tour with the legendary Pavlov’s Dog. The two groups performed in the UK and Greece, reaching out to an international audience.
Their first album ‘Anticipation’ is available now worldwide by Rockshots Records!
Their second album ‘Eternal Odyssey’ is ready to be release in January 2023!
