Fovitron + End of Dawn + Asfodelos live in Thessaloniki @ Eightball

8Ball Club
Fovitron + End of Dawn + Asfodelos live in Thessaloniki @ Eightball
20 May
  • Location
  • Price
  • Others
  • Thessaloniki
  • 8€
  • 1st Floor
Οι Fovitron έρχονται για πρώτη φορά στη σκηνή του 8ball Club το Σάββατο 20 Μαιου, για τη live παρουσίαση του τελευταίου τους δίσκου ‘Altar Of Whispers’.
Μαζί τους οι Εnd of Dawn και οι Asfodelos.
?️ Saturday 20 May
⏰ 20:00
? 8ball Club | Πίνδου 1, Λαδάδικα
Είσοδος 8€
???????? ( Symphonic Black/Death Metal )
Fovitron is a symphonic black/death μetal band from Greece. They recorded their first EP titled “Fovitron” in April 2016. During August 2019 – January 2020 they recorded, mixed, and produced their first full-length album at Made in Hell studios. The album is titled “Altar of Whispers”.
Line Up:
Nuntius Mortis – Vocals
Fovitrus – Guitars
Sovereign – Bass
Altarion – Drums
??? ?? ???? ( Symphonic/Atmosperic Black Metal )
End of Dawn is a Symphonic Black metal band from Thessaloniki, Greece, formed in 2019. It started as a solo project led by lead guitarist and composer, Absence, who later decided to transform it into a whole band starting with Y.B(drums). Together 4 years later they gathered the rest members of the band.This is how End of Dawn came to life. The band is currently recording their debut album, consisting of 11 songs, which will be released later in 2023. Their style is characterized by fast riffs, with symphonic textures and atmospheric vibes.
Line Up:
Necro – Vocals
Mynoghra – Vocals
Absence – Guitar
GraveKeeper – Guitar
Akhenaten – Keyboards
Apollion – Bass
Y.B – Drums
Asfodelos is a Death Metal band from Thessaloniki Greece, formed in 2019. Their debut album “Dark Bowels of Cosmic Oblivion” was released in March 2023. Asfodelos are delivering a mixture of many metal genres in a modern as well as old school death metal style, blended with a djent and black metal feeling.
Line Up:
Alex: Guitar / Vocals
Dimitris: Bass
Marios: Guitar
Teo: Drums
