The Fleshtones [usa] live in Thessaloniki w/ the Reverend Beasts

8Ball Live Stage
The Fleshtones [usa] live in Thessaloniki w/ the Reverend Beasts
13 Nov
  • Location
  • Price
  • Others
  • Thessaloniki
  • 12€ (Presale)- 15€ (Door)
  • Ground Floor
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Made Of Stone Productions & Underdogs proudly present the return of the mighty:

The FLESHTONES [garage rock’n’roll, USA] live in Thessaloniki!
w/ the Reverend Beasts

Friday 13th November | Eightball Club (Πίνδου 1, Λαδάδικα, Θεσσαλονίκη)
doors open: 21.00

Η επιστροφή των θρυλικών Fleshtones είναι γεγονός και μαζί τους το απόλυτο live rock’n’roll supergroup της πόλης, οι Reverend Beasts, εγγυώνται ένα ξέφρενο βράδυ!

Οι Νεουρκέζοι Fleshtones κάνουν το συναυλιακό τους ντεμπούτο το 1976 στο κλαμπ CBGB’s. Σε μια πορεία 40+ χρόνων, απαριθμούν αμέτρητα lives, κυκλοφορίες και συνεχίζουν ακάθεκτοι. Η παρέα των Streng, Zaremba, Milhizer και Fox θα βάλει φωτιά στην σκηνή του Eightball και θα μας παρασύρουν με τον ρυθμό τους σε ένα ατελείωτο πάρτυ αγνού ροκ εντ ρολ… Sha La La La La!!!

• Limited Presale : 10€ (online only)
• Presale : 12€
• On Spot : 15€

Σημεία Προπώλησης :
• Seven Spots
• Stereodisc
• Rover Bar
• Τhe Nephilim Metal Store
*η προπώληση στα φυσικά σημεία ξεκινάει στις 8 Ιανουαρίου

Forty years ago in Queens, New York, KEITH STRENG and his buddy Marek Pakulski discovered some guitars in a basement of a house they were renting. They didn’t know how to tune strings or finger a chord, but they dug Rock & Roll and R&B, which was hard
to find in the mid-1970s pabulum on Top 40 and FM radio. They picked up those guitars, found some cheap amps, and started banging out noise. By ’77, local drummer Lenny Calderon was on board as the steady drummer.
One day PETER ZAREMBA, an art student friend with long bangs, a harmonica, and a manic vision, dropped by the house, grabbed a mic, and named the band THE FLESHTONES. They rehearsed by throwing locally legendary parties in the basement of that house, dosed with fuzz guitar and trash cans full of their signature cocktail, the Blue Whale, inaugurating a bacchanal that just won’t end. Manically covering obscure songs and offering their own nervy originals, they debuted at CBGB in May of 1976.
Zaremba remembers, “We were very wound up and blasted out our handful of songs at a ridiculously fast tempo. Still, people liked us and some even danced along, an unusual event at super-cool CBGB’s. We were invited back for another audition. Finally, we were a real band.” Laughs Streng, “We were horrible at CBGB’s! But we still passed. Hilly Kristal said to us, ‘You guys aren’t really that good. But there’s something there’.” Indeed there was. In addition to gigs at that fabled club and at Max’s Kansas City, the Fleshtones found a home at the rock/performance-art home at Club 57 on St. Mark’s
Place, and in 1978 signed with Marty Thau’s Red Star Records and recorded a full-length album. The next year they released their debut single, the classic “American Beat,” and with filmmaker M. Henry Jones created an innovative and influential performance animation video composed of hand-painted cutouts. They signed with I.R.S. Records in 1980, adding BILL MILHIZER on drums and releasing the genre-defining garage rock classics Roman Gods and Hexbreaker, with Gordon Spaeth (RIP) playing sax, harmonica, organ, and the Juvenile Delinquent with a Heart of Gold.
In the mid- and late-1980s, Zaremba kept busy hosting MTV’s Cutting Edge. Throughout that decade and the 1990s, the Fleshtones released plenty of albums and singles, toured the U.S. and Europe regularly in front of packed clubs and large festivals,
and anointed nonbelievers worldwide in bar-treading, conga-line-snaking Super Rock—a greasy ball of sonic and cultural influences ranging in feel from R&B, Disco, and Lost In Space to Garage, Frat Rock, and Mexican horror flicks.
Following Pakulski’s departure in 1986, the band entertained a few bass players, including Robert Warren (RuPaul’s bassist in Wee Wee Pole), Andy Shernoff (The Dictators), and Fred Smith (Television). In 1990, KEN FOX, late from Jason and The
Scorchers, joined the goofy mayhem for good, contributing pop songs, high leg kicks, and charm at the merch table, battening down the hatches on a muscular, road-strengthened, party-hopping outfit who play with the same energy, abandon, and spontaneity in front of ten people as they do in front of hundreds.
The Fleshtones are the only band to debut at CBGB in 1976 that hasn’t experienced an inactive year. They have, in one way or another, inspired countless other bands over the decades, including R.E.M., Hoodoo Gurus, and The Dream Syndicate, and their showmanship and musical influence is palpable in many current bands throughout North America, Europe, and Scandinavia. The Fleshtones have survived Punk Rock, New Wave, No Wave, Neo Garage, Post-Punk, Grunge, and more Neo-Garage, never succumbing to trendiness, scornful laughter, liquidated record labels, or non-alcoholic beer. They were the first band to play at Irving Plaza and Danceteria in Manhattan as well as Maxwell’s in Hoboken, New Jersey, and the first to be booked at the original 9:30 Club in Washington D.C.. They were one of the last bands to play
Windows On The World on top of the World Trade Center. In between, they opened for James Brown and Chuck Berry, backed acclaimed English actor Ian McKellen as he recited a sonnet on Andy Warhol’s Fifteen Minutes, and anchored the infamous Pyramid
Club in the East Village while helping inaugurate the legendary Wigstock drag queen festival.
Whether you know them as the “The Kings of Garage Rock”
or “America’s Garage Rock Band”, there’s no debate that
the Fleshtones are one of the hardest working (and rocking)
bands of all time. They’ve stayed particularly busy in the past decade, releasing loads of new music that rivals the efforts of their fortyplus-year career, carelessly (to the purists) tossing together the fuzz-guitar and Farfisa organ riffs of socalled “garage rock” with rockabilly, soul, and surf. And, yes, the band still drinks for free!!!

Dear believers
Let the reverend Beasts easy down your desperate souls
Let the reverend Beasts release your deeply hidden emotions
Let the reverend Beasts exorcise your untold sins
Let the reverend Beasts dance you to your eternal fears
Let the reverend Beasts bring you the beastly and unholy rocknroll

The Reverend Beasts are:
Reverend Mits – Drums (The Basements, x De Sades)
Mohair Sam – Bass
Captain K – Guitar (FranticV, x Kink and the Kongs, x The Sunsteps)
Phix Joe Six – Guitar (x Kink and the Kongs, x Background Noise Suppression)
Thee Mammoth – Vocals (x De Sades)
